At times during Junior High & High School I was kind of preppy. I was not a "TOTAL PREP" but did have the obligatory Monogrammed sweater and pink Izod. I even had the loafers and the purse that you buttoned different covers onto so it would match your outfit should you so desire! The add-a-bead was probably the preppiest thing ever. Never really considered PREPPY to be jewelry related but for me this necklace described PREP in my world perfectly.
Since I kind of skipped the prep thing the first go around in the 80's I think I will forgo the opportunity for it this go around in the 11's. Once is enough in my world. RECYCLE? I am all about some recycling but do believe that we need to sometimes think twice about it in wardrobe. PREP is NOT for everyone. But I do love those that can pull it off. I am simply not that.... now let's move on to a man in a Pink Button Down or Pink polo... now I truly LOVE IT! A man in PINK is sexy in my book! Therefore, Prep can stay!
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