No I didn't want to go without WINE but I did want to go without the extra calories. So now for my one glass of wine I can have three "OTHER" drinks for the same calories. This has helped a lot regarding the 'cutting calories' and trying to drop this final 35 pounds. The death of me may be getting back to my 'fighting weight' but I look forward to getting there but am mostly looking forward to gaining it all back.
I had a darned good time gaining all my weight. Well the Infertility treatments were not so much fun and all the other stuff that was associated with that not so much but eating all the yum-a-licious stuff that I did was scrumptious.
So Cheers to the wine that I will not be drinking any time soon and "CHEERS" to my new drink of choice. I can thank it for helping me to not be the 'world's crankiest person'. However, my husband may say differently on this. (And by the way a SIP of wine does not count.... just enough to touch the lips)......
Cheers from Vodka Country!
Cheers from Vodka Country!